
At the Blue Coat School, we are part of a community where the highest levels of excellence are expected by all. This is underpinned by a strong set of beliefs and values which ensure that every pupil is all that they can be and all that they are meant to be. In keeping with our values and beliefs, all pupils are expected to proudly wear the Blue Coat School uniform. We firmly believe that wearing a school uniform enables our young people to feel part of our community and to establish a sense of identity and unity amongst their peers. Wearing the school uniform also assists in the provision of a safe school environment, where all pupils feel a sense of belonging.


Stevensons is a well-established, national company who are working with us to provide the same quality and standards of uniform at an affordable cost.

Stevensons operate mostly online, which should hopefully make ordering uniform more convenient. Uniform sizes are standard but if you do have concerns about sizing, Stevensons have equipped us with a sizing kit, and you can arrange to visit the school to confirm any measurements before ordering if you so wish.

Although primarily an online provider, Stevensons also offer pop-up shop events at designated points in the year. These will be aimed mostly at our new year 7s joining the school in September with no previous experience of purchasing our uniform. The dates for the 2024 will be the 26th and 27th June and will run along side our Transition Parent Evenings so that families are able to get information about starting at Blue Coat and purchase uniform all at the same time.

Uniform Supplier Details

Stevensons Head Office:
Uniform House,
7 Acrewood Way,
St Albans
+44 (0) 1727 815700

For general enquiries call: 

Second Hand Uniform

If you would like to request items of good condition, second hand uniform, you will find our stock listed on WisePay under the General Payments section, with the prefix ‘Pre-Owned’. You can add these items to your cart and check out for free – following which you will receive an email to confirm when the items are ready for collection.

Please note, if a size is not showing or is listed but sold out, it means we do not have this size in stock.

If you have any clean, good condition, outgrown uniform items that you would be prepared to donate, please could you send them into school with your child with name tags / year / house badges removed. We do not have any facilities to wash/dry/iron/repair donated items, therefore we require the clothing to be in a good condition, washed and pressed, to pass on straight away to another family. 

We would like to ask for donations of the following: 

  • Boys blazers 
  • Girls blazers 
  • Girls skirts  
  • PE short sleeved top 
  • PE long sleeved top 
  • PE shorts 
  • Winter school coats 

Please do not send any old-style uniform items as we will be unable to issue them with them not being current uniform.

Unfortunately, due to storage restrictions, we are unable to continue to accept donations of school shirts, blouses and trousers, however we are sure that local charity shops will be pleased to receive those items to help families in the community. 

The collection point for the donations will be outside the hall.

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The Blue Coat School is proud to be part of the Cranmer Education Trust

Cranmer Education Trust is a company limited by guarantee and an exempt charity registered in England. Company registration number: 07687709. Registered Office: Cranmer Education Trust, c/o Blue Coat School, Egerton Street, Oldham OL1 3SQ. The website address is www.cranmereducationtrust.com and the phone number 0161 785 5082.